Preston RAM 143 Elevation
Thursday 24th March 2016
At Thursday’s meeting of Preston RAM we were delighted to welcome two new members. Bro. Stuart Leech rejoining the order after a considerable time. The WC Bro. John Thornton warmly welcomed him into the Lodge.
Bro S. Leech, W.Bro G. J. Jackson RAMGR, WC. Bro. John Thornton, Bro. Anthony Thackrah and W.Bro. R.G. Kinder RAMGR
Bro. Anthony Thackrah was then admitted for elevation in fine style by our WC., who was ably assisted by W.Bro. Tony Shaw who explained the Signs of the degree. W.Bro. A. Baker who delivered the Working Tools, and W.Bro. Peter Watson explained the nine steps.
Bro.S. Leech, WC. Bro. John Thornton and Bro. Anthony Thackrah
As the S.D. was absent W.Bro. John Sarti stood in and did an excellent job. W.Bro. Eric Picton also stood in as Guardian.
The meeting then concluded in Harmony and all enjoyed a good Garstang Masonic Hall meal  
Article and Photgraphs Courtesy of Tony Shaw